About Us
We’re pioneers of
science-based health & fitness
in the digital realm.
The Fit & Shape by Science Story
Our founding crew knew each other long before Fit & Shape by Science was even an idea, because we’re all health & fitness fanatics and devotees to the growing science-based health & fitness movement.

Back then, we were always hungry for more information and advice from this growing community, but all we got online was BS, bluster and bad promises.
If we were really lucky, we’d find a “customised plan”, delivered as a copy and paste PDF, for the princely sum of $100…
This wasn’t good enough.
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We wanted to be able to go online and get science-based  information, guidance from trained professionals and proven products – all in one place.

We wanted the option to access a fully customised nutrition, supplements and/or fitness plan online, in a sleek,  user-friendly and interactive platform.

We wanted the opportunity to attend events where we could deepen our knowledge of science-based health & fitness and interact directly with leading experts.

But we found nothing like this anywhere on the World Wide Web. And nothing remotely like this in our mother tongue, German.

So we did the only logical thing: we became the pioneers of online science-based health & fitness and created all this ourselves.

And Fit & Shape by Science
was born.
Fit & Shape by Science was created to drive the rapid growth
of science-based health & fitness in the digital realm.

We’ve started with German-speaking Europe.

The rest of the European continent is next.
About Us
FS Online Media LTD is the company behind
the Fit & Shape by Science brand.

The group’s leadership is made up of a team of seasoned entrepreneurs and global marketing experts brought together by 3 common traits:
We’re passionate about science-based health & fitness.
We thrive on pushing boundaries and disrupting markets.
We excel at turning ideas into successful
e-commerce solutions.
With a combined 50 years experience in global marketing and starting
new concept businesses across the globe, we pride ourselves in our
ability to spot gaps in the market and innovate.
Our Core Values
While FS Online Media is progressive, fast-paced and focussed on the digital
marketplace, the way we do business if firmly rooted in old-school values.
Our users can rely on credible content, while our partners
know we always deliver what’s promised.
Our users can rely on credible content, while our partners
know we always deliver what’s promised.
Our users can rely on credible content, while our partners
know we always deliver what’s promised.
Our Vision
We’re incredibly proud of fitandshapebyscience.com, but the website you’re on right now is only the first step in our master plan.

Because, while the idea for Fit & Shape by Science was born out of our passion or evidence-based health & fitness, the business model was born out of our hard-won experience in entrepreneurship.
We plan to become Europe’s biggest and most influential
player in health & fitness e-commerce.

Is it a bold goal?
Of course.

Can we do it?
We have already begun.
It’s not about ideas.
It’s about making ideas happen.